Septic Tank Requirements in Texas

From site evaluations, permits, to installation procedures, there are a few things you should keep in mind when installing and maintaining your septic system. Below, we will talk you through some of the septic tank requirements in Texas so that you can get a better understanding.

The first thing you need to do is make sure you have the correct permit in place before you upgrade an old septic tank or have a new one installed altogether. In the state of Texas, for the majority of septic tank installations, a permit is going to be needed. However, there can be some exceptions, and this highlights why it makes sense for you to work with professionals who can check this out for you. As per Texas state law, a permit is not going to be required if the following requirements are met:

          -You dispose of the effluent on your property
          -The septic tank is situated 100 feet or more from the property
          -The tank will not pollute groundwater or cause any sort of nuisance
          -The tank services a single-family residence on a property that has 10 acres or more

In some situations, a septic tank in the state may be grandfathered, which means it could be exempt from specific requirements if the following is applicable:

          -The system was installed prior to the 1st of September, 1989 or prior to a local dealer having an authorized installation program
          -It is not being utilized for the treatment of a larger capacity of sewage than when it was initially installed
          -You have a disposal and treatment facility

In addition to the points that have been mentioned above, you also need to make sure that a site evaluation is carried out. The state of Texas has necessitated a site evaluation for the location where you are going to have the septic tank system installed. This is something that has been required since September 2002. This is not something that you can simply do yourself. Only a licensed professional engineer or a licensed site evaluator can carry out a suitable evaluation. The purpose of this is to figure out the quality of the soil, including the levels of groundwater, percolation rates, and a number of other factors to figure out what sort of septic tank system is going to be appropriate for the site.

The best thing to do to make sure you abide by all of the rules and regulations that are in place is to work with an experienced and reputable company that knows exactly what is required when installing a septic tank in your home.

Hopefully, you now have a better understanding of the septic tank requirements in Texas. You can get a External link opens in new tab or windowseptic tank inspection from a company specializing in septic tanks. They will be able to make sure your current septic tank fulfills the requirements in place, as well as advising you on any changes that need to be made or helping you with the installation of a new tank.